Friday, March 02, 2012
A few days ago i've published an article about How To Add Facebook Share Plugin On Blogger, and now i'd like to discuss about the Like Plugin. It is a bit similar betwen Facebook Share and Like Plugin, what differs them is just that the Share Plugin will attach a sumarry of the shared article to post/share on facebook while the Like Plugin will post only a link along with the anchor. This Like Plugin with display how many like does your site have (Like of site, not like of page).

Not only for the Like Plugin, in addition to it, i'll even let you to decide if you prefer to add the plugin along with or without a Send Button, which that plugin has a fuction that alike to the Share Plugin too, but not realy. Let's talk a minute about. As you too knew, when the share button is clicked the user will be taken to a new window where there the user can choose whether to post the thread to a wall by selecting a name of person or group as the list is shown after the "Post To" is clicked. But it is a bit different with the Send Button, this plugin will display just on the page where it is placed, no new window opens. Too that it will let the user to type manually the name of friend whose wall the user mean to post the link to, and so it might annoy the user who'd like to share the link.

Well, just make like the below intruction says to add that two plugins into your site.

1. Login to your blogger.
2. Go to Design.
3. Edit HTML.
4. Check the Expand Widget Template to load the entire codes in your template.
5. Copy and save the entire codes in the text box for anticipation of making mistake when you modify the template. Or simply download it through the Download Full Template thread somewhere in top left side.
6. Now copy the code below.

To be the lesser arrangement the code above looks like the below.

< b:if cond='data:blogpagetype == "item"'>
< script src='' type='text/javascript'/>< div class='fb-like' data-href='' data-send='true'
data-show-faces='true' data-width='380'/>
< script src='' type='text/javascript'/> < /b:if>

Just remove the code in black if you don't want to show the facebook profile picture of poeple who liked your site. And remove the code in red if you don't want to add the Like Plugin along with the Send Plugin.

7. One last step to make, place the code above where you want the plugins to show up. Example, if you want them to show up below your post you can place the code after this code: < data:post.body/>, or just place it before/above that code if you want the plugins to show up in top post.

8. Last of the last step, save your template and make sure if you have one like and one send plugin on your site now.


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