Saturday, August 18, 2012
Custom URLs For Google+ Profiles And Pages. Such a good news came from Google+. That site currently offers an adorable new feature to try, Custom urls for profiles and pages. This feature is supposed to make it even easier for people to find a profile or page. It's just like a facebook username, but in Google the url is added a "+" next to the username.

A custom URL is a short, and easy to remember web address that links directly to a profile or page on Google+. Unfortunately, this feature is currently not available for every users, but only for certain people, like an actor, well known guys, big firms, or any others that are publicly familiar. However, Google said that they will make this feature available publicly for every brands and/or individual users worldwide, but it may take some times.

With this new feature, the user can now use his own name as the url. You got my point, right? For example: if the user's name is Marijan, he may set his profile url to Something like that.

We'll see if this feature is going public. :)


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