Sunday, April 03, 2011
well, anybody, a good news again for you the lovers of the opmod. about a/two weeks ago the operamini mod 4.2 rc3 such was released with some new features added. and now, just in a/two weeks after the operamini mod rc3 released, a new version of the opmod has again been released. "Operamini mod 4.2 rc4"

but, unfortunately, seems this newest version of the operamini mod has not been translated yet into english language. or in another term: for now this latest version of the opmod such is only available in rusian language
however you don't worry about to run this newest version soon on your phone within english language, cuz usually it doesn't need a long time the modifiers to modify the language of the opmod. just wait for 2-5 days from now on and you'll undoubtedly get your rc4

for the sake of the satisfaction of your feeling that may be so curious about the new features added in this newest version. therefore i've fixed a link that will explain about to you by detail. here it is link of the explanation of operamini mod 4.2 rc4
and to download operamini mod 4.2 rc4, then just click here


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