Sunday, February 05, 2012
Did you know? Opmod 4.21 beta 15 has now already been modified by dzebb. Exactly is not only been modified, but remodified. You can see the name, it's been named cor1, which means correction 1. I won't talk too much about this latest handler version of the opmod, cuz to be honest i just don't know what i can say about this latest opmod handler. Even i haven't tried it yet to know the greatness of this latest opmod handler version. So, supposing that you wanna know about the features in this latest opmod, you may find in my previous post, Opera Mini Mod 4.21 Beta 15 English Signed. It may be different betwen opmod handler and normal opmod, but it should not be realy much.

Download your file here:

Opera Mini Mod 4.21 Beta 15 Handlerui 203 Cor1 Signed


  1. Thanks for sharing this.I would looking for the link.
