Saturday, October 08, 2011
Well, one more acquaintance about trick of blogging affair, the way to make a text box in post of blogspot / blogger so we could show / put a html code in our posts. As you too knew that bloggers are unable to just put a script/html code in their posts without using any trick, so this post should be much usefull for you (amateur bloggers like me). Beside to show, this usually is used to facilitate the readers to copypass html codes as well which this way the codes will remain the same with what the authors have written.

There are two sorts of text box that you can use, as written as follows.

1. Text box with an option to block all content inside so the readers will easily make a copy of the content with a little motion. To make this one in your post the following code is what you'll have to put in your posts:

Important: add the following tags in the ending code:< / t e x t a r e a > < p >
< / d i v > < / f o r m >
without space - the script will look like this: < d i v >
< f o r m name="copy">
< d iv align="center">
< i n p u t onclick="javascript:this.form.txt.focus ();;" type="button" value="Block all text in the box."> < / d iv>
< d i v align="center">
< / d i v >
< p align="center">
< t e x t a r e a s t y l e="width: 200px; height: 70px" name="txt" rows="10" wrap="virtual" cols="30">Your html code< / t e x t a r e a > < p >
< / d i v >
< / f o r m >

2. Simple text box (i named it myself) without the text block option.

Important: add the following tags in the ending code:< / t e x t a r e a >< p > without space
- the script will look like this: < p a l i g n="center">
< t e x t a r e a name="code" rows="5" cols="30">Your html code< / t e x t a r e a >

For Your Information

- to change the high of the text box you can modify the value for the rows. Let's say, in the above example the value for the rows is 5 (rows="5"), to modify the high you can lower or higher the number/value for "for example" for 4, 5, 7, or 8.

- similar to the above to modify the width of the box you can change the value for the Cols, lower or higher

- to modify the width of the text in the box you can change the value for the text style (text style="width:200px").

- to modify the text /name of the button you can modify the value for "the value" (value="Block all text in the box."). For instance, if you change the value for becomes "Block All Text then the name of the button will change as the value you've modified, Block All Text.

- to modify the appearance of the button for blocking the content /text you can replace /change the value for the "div align" (div align="center").
* Center= to show the button in the middle.
* left= to show the button in the left side.
* right= to show the button in the right side.

- The two codes above will generate the same text box with the box whose code inside you've copied.


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