Paket Internet Axis

Paket Internet Axis For Ramadhan | Paket Sahur. Still on Indonesian Provider. Beside Paket Internet Axis Unlimited Pro Dan Kuota that i wrote on my previous post, Axis currently also offers a Paket Internet Ramadhan called Paket Sahur. It's somehow a good enough offer to try, though not realy as good as Paket Internet Three. Only with Rp. 1.000, you'll be able not only to connect to the internet, but you'll also be able to make a phone call as well as sending Sms message. That's realy good, right? So, what are you waiting for huh? Go get it tiger.. :)

As its name, this package is "available for purchase" only from 00.00 till 06.00 o'clock. So the active period, this package can be used only from 00.00 to 06.00 o'clock. To activate/Buy the package, you can dial to *123*2# and choose Paket Sahur.

Here are some informations that you may wanna know

*Price included PPN 10%.
*Currently Axis only available in Java Island, Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Barat, Lombok, Bali, Riau, Balikpapan, and "maybe some more".
*Quota given for this package is 1MB.
*This package service is available from 10 Juli - 31 Agustus 2012.
*To know your last use, you can try to dial to *887#.
*The quota, Phone Call, and Sms given are valid only in the day you buy it. The next day it won't be valid anymore, you have to buy a new one again.
*This package won't apply on Internasional and/or Premium use.
*You can buy this package for more than one purchase, but no more than 5 purchase a day.

That's all everybody.

Speak english, you may also want to read the following internet package services, they're Three, Tri, 3, Telkomsel, As, Simpati, Xl, Indosat, Im3, Mentari

Paket Internet 3

Paket Internet Indosat Im3 Dan Mentari

Paket Internet Telkomsel

Paket Ramadhan Telkomsel

Paket Internet Xl

Have a nice day everybody. May God bless ya. :)


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