Monday, June 13, 2011
well, anybody... today i will post an article due to nokia s60v2's trouble on instaling or performing operamini mod/operamini mod handler.

first time i knew about this matter was from here (you might need to render the site's language which from indonesian to english):

i've been using one of them (opmod on the above site) which it is opmod 4.2 test 12 " bla... bla.. bla... ". this version works on my nokia 7610 (s60v2). though some features are not included/doesn't work. those are file manager, download manager, screenshot, and all that's related to the permission setting on "read user data" as it can't be changed to "always allow" or even "ask to first time". there is no choice except "not allowed"

so, why it shows only one choice ?, i think the why of problems like that comes is because the applications have no any certifations so results in the s60v2 phones consider that the applications are those of the untrusted (that's right, my phone is a smart so it's capable to make consider:) . and you know of course to how properly treat the untrusted, don't you ?, or.. otherwise the phones that have no any certifications so causes the device can't read the security permission included in the applications

therefore, just check your phone certifications in order to later you can define if an application is suitable or otherwise not realy for your s60v2 phone

example: if you have a verysign cert (certificate) in your phone then you can download applications that have the same cert your phone has in order to can manage the permission setting just as you want. or if you have a thawte cert, and so forth

for the further about the features you'll find in the opmods you can get by trying the opmods itself. and here is the links to download:


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