LinkedIn Improves The Search Engine

LinkedIn Improves The Search Engine

LinkedIn's updated search engine slowly "says hi" to its members. As what being rumored out there, this improvement is meant to compete with the biggest ever search engine on the web, Google search. Many web crawlers out there are trying and trying to compete with google everyday, it's definitely not only LinkedIn, but so far no one makes a little effect that seems steals google's loyal users a million. I think google is already too big to compete with, and i think, if any, i won't compete it, cause i know all it will give to me is just hurt and hurt. Not to mention my friends, i belong to a type of boy who's if falls, then will be deadly hard to move on. What the hell.. :)

According to LinkedIn’s product manager, Johnathan Podemsky, the search had a lot updates, now the search includes people, jobs, and companies in a more intuitive feature. LinkedIn has also added auto complete keyword, suggested searches, automated alerts, and a smarter query to facilitate the user.

The search results are currently being customized for each user, and this new algorithm will continue to improve intended to provide better search results. Each item on its service page can be expanded to reveal more information and get an individual recommendation, and in addition there is also a share button. This is part of LinkedIn's strategy to keep users longer on the website instead of having them turn away to other search engines to continue their search.

LinkedIn is still among the five biggest social networking sites today along with Google+, Twitter, and Facebook in the us with at least 200 million members.

I think LinkedIn is well known and a big enough social networking site in the us, it's worth a try maybe. What guys do you say about it, are you already a member of the site?


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