Move Cache From Drive C:/ To E:/ On Nokia S60v3

Move Storage For Cache From Drive C:/ To E:/ On Nokia Symbian S60v3. First of all, What Is Cache? Well my friend, the explanation is not complicated. Cache is web contents that your web browser saves on your phone's drive or memory. Cache could contain those of images and/or text. For example, say you open facebook using your default web browser, such my friend, your web browser will save everything that it finds on the page, like (as i said) pictures, text, and anykind. Problem that may come by this matter is the memory may get fullfilled by the cache. As you too know, we oftenly find images in big size on the web, could be 100Kb to 1Mb, and sometimes even bigger. Now think, what gonna happen if you open one facebook timeline, what if five timelines, what if 30 timelines, and so on? If your phone has a realy large phone memory, like some GigaBytes for example, that's maybe okey. But what if your phone memory is only some Mb? That's more likely gonna be fullfilled by the cache.

Am i clear here, my friend? Let's proccedd to the next chapter. :)

What Gonna Happen If The Phone Memory Is Fullfilled By Cache?

The answer is, your phone will be slowing down in accessing the phone system. That's not good of course?

Why Should I Use My Default Browser, I Have Opera, Uc Web, and All?

Here we go.. This is something like "prefferable". Let me ask you, is your opera (or so uc) realy much better than your default browser? I don't think so. If your phone has a large Ram Memory, like at least 200Mb, that's maybe fine to use opera 'cause you get some good features from opera that your default browser doesn't have. But what if your Ram is not realy large, should you use opera solely to get "some features" which are not realy esential, but in the other side you experience "Memory Full" every minutes? Excuse me my friend, you're stupid guy if you preffer to use opera. :)

How To Move The Cache To Drive E:/ ?

It's easy my friend, piece a cake. There are two options that you can take here, install an application or make it yourself.

*Use Application.

This way, you only have to install an application and done. You don't have to create a new folder or anything. However, this may require you to Hack Your Nokia Symbian Phone, but there is nothing wrong to try on unhacked phone, who knows it works right?. Here is the application: Chace C To E.

*Manual Way.

This absolutely require you to Hack Your Nokia Phone, 'cause this way you'll play with the folder private on your drive C:/. Here is how:

1. Open your X-plore.

2. Create a new folder on your drive E:/ and name it cache. Then create a new folder in that folder cache and name it vss. So, it looks like this: E:/cache/vss.

What you should note here is that you must set the attribute to Hidden and System. To do so, on your x-plore, highlight the folder (cache and vss) and press 6, then check the option Hidden and System, and ok or save.

3. Still on your x-plore, go to drive Z:/Private/10202be9 and copy the file 101f8557.txt to another drive, you are going to edit that 101f8557.txt. Don't worry my friend, it's not complicated. Just highlight the file and press 8 on your x-plore, you'll find text command "c:\\cache", change/edit it becomes e:\\cache, and that's it.

Now after you edit it already, move that file to C:/Private/10202be9/Move it here. After you get done with it, restart your phone and congratulations, your cache will now be saved on drive E:/.

Not hard at all, isn't? :)

In case you want to reset the cache to be saved on the drive C:/, you can simply delete the folders cache and vss on the drive E:/ that you created, and also the file 101f8557.txt on drive C:/Private/10202be9. That's all my friend, just so simple..

Have a nice day. :)


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