How To Solve Smartphone Crawl Error Page On Google Webmaster Tool - Bagaimana Cara Menghapus Halaman Smartphone Crawl Error Di Google Webmaster Tool?

Did you know that? Just a few days ago google added one more new feature again called "Smartphone Crawl Error Page" - say it so - which, the page will let you know if your site has any trouble crawling with googlebot mobile or not, that's what it's doing..

I don't know about other platforms, but for blogger users, this feature definitely gives them a new bussiness to handle. Right, if you have activated your robots.txt, well, now you need to take care of it's "?m=1" parameter, cause if you don't take any action, it means googlebot mobile doesn't find you have any post to crawl, which you have..

It's fine if you have no post for google to crawl, but, if you have posts but google can't find out, that's the problem, you'll find a lot of not found pages on your webmaster..

I Think Page Not Found, Or What We Call 404, That's Not a Problem?

Yeah, it's not. But, as i said bro, as long as we realy don't keep the post.. :)

If you want to know more about this smartphone crawl error feature, you can try to google it. There is also a help page available on google webmaster tool, but likely you will not find a solution to help you solve the problem, even on the web. Maybe people think it's not a problem to be solved, i don't know.. :)

Now let's try to solve this problem my way..


Well, for blogger users, the only way you can do about this is to use robots.txt file ( ). So, if you have set your robots.txt file, now change it, or simply add the lines that you think neccessarry from the parameter here..

Here it is..

User-agent: Googlebot
Allow: /*.html$
Disallow: /*.html
Allow: /*.xml
Disallow: /*?
Disallow: /*&
Disallow: /*m=1
Disallow: /*M=1
Disallow: /*m=0
Disallow: /*M=0
Disallow: /search*/

User-agent: Googlebot-Mobile
Allow: /*.html?m=1$
Allow: /*.html?M=1$
Disallow: /*.html
Allow: /?m=1
Allow: /?M=1
Disallow: /*m=0
Disallow: /*M=0
Disallow: /*&
Disallow: /search*/

User-agent: Googlebot-Image
Allow: /


Well, as you see, to handle the problem you need to set a separate parameter for googlebot mobile..

If you set a stand alone parameter for googlebot mobile, it will ignore the parameter you set for googlebot web, but otherwise, you know what's gonna happen.. :)

Well, now you know what to do with the issue, well done bro. I hope this will solve it, but if not, then maybe i will have to post the other post again another day..

Take care of yourself, may god bless you.. :)