Tips When Your Blackberry's Performance Getting Slow Down

Tips When Your Blackberry's Performance Getting Slow Down. Blackberry is a great Smartphone, one of the gretest Smartphones, and has got fame by its greatness. But howsoever a great Smartphone could be, it will eventually be slowing down, there are so many causes that will catch it slow down. To know if your Blackberry is getting slow down you can watch the "sand" that usually shows up when you access a directory on your Blackberry Smartphone. When it's getting slow down it takes more time than usual to open the directory, and so to open a file.

Follow the tips below to get back your Blackberry's performance that's getting slow down.

1. Clear your log. Push alt + L + G + L + G --> A menu shows up --> Clear Log.
2. Install only aplication that you think it is important and remove apps that you never use or in other words "useless apps".
3. Try not to have too many groups to BBM. It's better that you limit your BBM group cuz it will at last catch your Blackberry's performance slowing down since it takes place on your memory.
4. Clean your memory's trashes. Menu --> Option --> Security Option --> Memory Cleaning --> Set the status to enable --> Menu --> Clean Now.
5. Close your chat rooms when you're done with those. Instead, you can save chat rooms that you wanna keep up with on your Memory Card. Just go to the setting field from the room you mean to save --> Option --> Save Chat History --> Choose Media Card.
6. Soft-Reset your Blackberry. Push and press "alt + Caps/tombol aA + del" at the same time. Or take off the battery (poeple say it's hard reset).
7. If you're often browsing using Blackberry's browser, you can remove the Cache on your memory. Menu --> Browser --> Option --> Cache Operations --> Clear History.
8. Make sure you have enough internal memory on your phone. Delete some files if necessary.
9. Save your files like mp3, video, etc. On your external memory, not internal memory. Menu --> option --> Memory --> Change the media card Support status to ON.

That's all guys. Enjoy your Blackberry.


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