Easy Creating Sitemap

Create Sitemap Manually Or By Using Sitemap Generator - How To Create Sitemap For Website?. How To Create Sitemap For Blogger Blog?. Sitemap is a list of posts that search engines will try to find when they search for post up before they crawl any other pages on a website, it's very important for search engines. If you're a blogger, you can use the atom/rss feed for its sitemap. Your atom should be here: http://your-blog.blogspot.com/atom.xml, and your rss feed should be here: http://your-blog.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default.

a sitemap can be created by neither using sitemap generator or even manually. Here i try to figure 'em out.

Creating Sitemap Manually

It's prety easy to create a sitemap manually, but maybe annoying if the post is too many. Below is how i'd create a sitemap for two posts.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">


required: Encapsulates the file and references the current protocol standard.


required: URL of the page. The URL must begin with the protocol (such as http) and end with a trailing slash if your web server requires it. This value must be less than 2,048 characters.

optional: The date of last modification of the post.

optional: How frequently the page is likely to change. This value provides general information to search engines and may not correlate exactly to how often they crawl the page. Valid values are: always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and never. The value "always" should be used to describe documents that change each time they are accessed. While The value "never" should be used to describe archived URLs. Crawlers may periodically crawl pages marked "never" so that they can handle unexpected changes to the page.

Creating Sitemap Using Sitemap Generator

There are many online sitemap generators that you can find today. One among the most popular sitemap generators is www.xml-sitemaps.com. It's much easier than to create sitemap manually, just visit the site, provide your website's information and click "Generate/Submit Sitemap". Now wait the proccess and download the sitemap after it's getting done and you're done.

To bloggers, you have a trouble here. You must be confused and saying in heart "Where can i put the sitemap that i've just created?". That's it, the answer is none of place you can use to put the sitemap. Blogger generates your sitemap automatically and all what you have to do with it is just to submit it to search engine. Go here for more detail about it: Submit Sitemap To Search Engine.


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