Games Nokia S60v3 And The C2DooM Emulator

Well now, two meters ahead we have a new emulator again, C2DooM Emulator. This one is belong to Python Program so we'll have to install Python Launcher first before making other steps. And just like the others i gave away to you this one is capable to generate sound and 3D view quite good. And, perhaps the games are belong to small. As those that i got here all is just about 3 to 10Mb in measurement, so you may want to download 'em, all. Let's get down to the bussiness.

1. Download and install this python launcher: Super Python 2.3.sisx (or this: Power Python.sis). Just download whichever you want. By installing this single python you won't need to install any other python as what you may have done previously to run python application. And here for S60v2: Python S60v3 v2 v1

2. Download And then install this emulator: C2DooM Emulator or C2DooM Symbian 9.4 (5800, N97).zip or C2DooM Symbian os9.4 6/7/8x.sisx | C2DooM Symbian S60v2.sis.

3. Now create a new folder on drive E:/ and name it C2DooM, so it be like this: E:/C2DooM.

4. Now download the game and extract it to the folder you just created "C2DooM" and you're done.

Games for this emulator have an extension of ".WAD" and generally there is no any other additional file to support it, it's a single file.

Here Are The Games


  1. Nice one
