Opera Mini Mod 4.21 Beta 16 Handler 203 Signed Version

Well, as what you knew, opmod 4.21 beta 16 has been released maybe three, two days, yesterday, or maybe just now, i don't know when exactly was it. But here, i'll give to you the file which i have signed it with darkman certificate, exactly by help of simak.ru. Well, for your information, a signed version is assumed for use with those that have a high safety security system. The one i know that has a high security is symbian os. On symbian phone, a unsigned jar application could be realy annoying, it will always ask permition just everytime it make access into the phone system, like when it accesses folder on phone when the user is about to perform a download for example. Well, a signed jar file should be usefull for phones belong this os, in a signed jar file the user has the authority to change the permition setting.

But don't get it wrong everybody, a signed jar file will also work good on any java enabled phones, not only on symbian os. Signed or unsigned will make no sense on the other phones, it's just applied for symbian os.

I haven't tried this version as yet though actually i've realy signed it, and so i just don't know what's been added, fixed, or improved in this version. If you wanna know the features in this version then you can find them yourself by trying the browser itself. I guess you wouldn't mind to try it, would you?.

Operamini Mod 4.21 Beta 16 Handlerui 203 Signed.jar
Operamini Mod 4.21 Beta 16 Handlerui 203 Signed.jad