this post is solely and intentionally of course, published for the poeple who seem insist on uploading facebook profile picture through snaptu but do not know how to, too seem can't find the way even though they make a search for through google search

well, actually i won't share a trick that will get you being able to upload facebook profile picture through snaptu ( please appologize me for this). based on my look, the reason of why i can't find the way too, it's cus there is no way like what you search for. so, if you realy think ever saw somebody uploading facebook profile picture through snaptu, then it must be through another version or could even be a particular version of snaptu

however, for you the poeple who may don't know yet how to upload facebook profile picture using phone, which may this that causes you searching for, here i'm about to share a trick due to your problem. and by no longer giving lecture, let's get down to the bussiness

1) first, acess your facebook using operamini, bolt, uc, or anything. "the essence is the browser you use capable to display a web/desktop style of website". and i'm sure your browser is capable. and then open facebook in a web style. this step, usually the only browser that's trouble/unable to display in a web style that you just order as setting the browser is operamini. so, for operamini users you need another help in order to be able to display your facebook in a web style. for instance, you can utilize the www. flyproxy. com, 's excelence in order to open your facebook in a web style. or even the more better way you can acess directly from facebook. but you need to first search for the address www. facebook. com through "example" google search and then click on the one of the results found/served to you. or you can also click this: http:// www. facebook. com/ apps/ directory. php

2) second, do click on the link titled "photos" on the left side of your profile/below your profile picture (note: the link titled photos i mean here is not the link titled photos above the colom for writting your status. the view will be different that you click here, or much more you won't be sucessful to upload your photos this link)

3) after, you'll be taken to your photos album page. what you should click here is a link titled "upload photos" displayed in a button mode on the right side (just beneath the button is also available a button for uploading video)

4) next, you'll then be asked to create a photo album. and all what you should do here is just to execute what facebook orders you
, "create a photo album"

5) and finally you can upload your photos directly to facebook just using your phone

if you are a bolt user you can just upload your photos needlessly to first search for www.facebook.com through google, cuz your browser is capable to display directly just after you set the setting (desktop view). and you too don't need to create an album first, you can just upload after you do click on your profile picture and then follow the clues

Good luck the poeple :)


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