Counter Strike: Source, or what we call CSS, is developed by Valve Corporation as a complete remake of the original Counter Strike on the Source engine. The game itself is a shooter game, that which you'll be put in a shooting scene as a member of a team in the game against a team of Terrorists in a series of rounds.
In the game, you must shoot down every members of the opposition in order to win the game, or you can find and detonate the bomb to quickly win the game. You can also choose to play as a terorist in the game, it's just your choice who you want to be.

Aspects Of Counter Strike: Source
Aspects of Counter Strike: Source itself have changed a lot, like the behavior of grenades, physics engine, weapons' recoil, and realy many more. The smoke grenades in Counter-Strike: Source, spread more slowly than those in Counter Strike, then the flash grenades are now utilizing DirectX 9 effects, and many other changes to say.There are a lot weapons that you can use in the game, from auto weapons, rifles, guns, till its true explusive grenades and smoke grenades all are available to use. The amount of damage caused varies according to the type of weapon you use, some weapons take only one bullet to shoot down one enemy and some take more bullets.
Free Download Counter Strike: Source Full Version
The file that have here, i guess, is a full version, however i myself haven't tried to install it. Its extension is .exe, the size is about 700MB and is uploaded on 4shared, yet you have to go to go through to get at the download page. only holds you 5 seconds anyway, it won't be a matter for you right?Just think a second, why waiting 5 seconds for somebody that serves you something you love is a matter for you, why? Can you realy appreciate enough somebody's effort?
You copypass the following url into your address bar to open the download page:
System Requirements To Play Counter Strike: Source
-Cpu : 1.2 GHz-Ram : 256MB
-System : Windows Xp, 7
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