Friday, July 06, 2012
Convert From Nofollow To Dofollow Blog, such a laughable thing if a publisher doesn't know what does Dofollow blog/site mean, unless a newbie. In a simple way, dofollow blog means a blog that allows the visitor to point a link out to a site, where by doing it the visitor (publisher) will get an advantage as Google counts the link as a backlink, and where with enough backlink a website will have a page rank. Well, for you who want to convert your blog to dofollow, here i try to explain how to make. That is completely easy, piece a cake.

1. Loggin to your Blogger.
2. Go to Dasbor.
3. Edit Html.
4. Tick the "Expand Widget Template" box.
5. Find the following code on your template.

<a exper:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'>

6. Replace the code above with the below.

<a exper:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='dofollow'>

7. Now find the following code on your template.

<a expr:href='data:backlink.url' rel='nofollow'>

8. Replace the above code with the below.

<a expr:href='data:backlink.url'><data:backlink.title/></a>

9. Save your template and you're done. Now your blog is dofollow.

But before you convert your blog to dofollow, maybe you want to consider the following rule:

*Google gives a page rank by considering the total link-in and link-out (Inbound and outbound). So if the total link-out is more than the total link-in on your blog, then might your blog won't be given any page rank, though maybe it has many loyal visitors. Maybe this is the bad point..
*By converting your blog to dofollow, your blog's posibility of having many visitors is increased since publishers always look for backlink, like they're thirty for weeks haven't met water. Maybe this is the good point.

Well guys, you decide..


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