Pc, Mac, And Smartphone Antivirus And Protection Tools

Are you looking for a good antivirus for your Pc, Mac, or maybe Android?, You know, it could be somehow annoying you since it's not realy many options available to choose out there, and there may be just a few that you'd prefer to pick betwen its few antiviruses that you may find. You can keep your device clean, safe, and working on its best performance by protecting it with protection tools like antivirus and somekind. And maybe luckily, now i'd like to list a few good antiviruses too that "somekind" to suggest you to consider and choose/pick up the best one. The softwares i'm about to tell here are all licenced under free software, so you can just pick 'em up without spending a cent for. But of course there always be a premium version to choose if you'd like to, just visit the official site to know about. And, i'm not gonna put any link here. Somehow here are all about antivirus softwares that you'll always need to update 'em for the best protection you can grab from. Here we go.

*AVG Antivirus

"Oh sure". - This one is always convincing and is one of the best and most popular antiviruses available today. Not only available for your Pc, but it's available even for your Android or even some other Smartphone Platforms. It has quite much features to catch your interested, like Virus Scanner, Phone Locator, or even Data Backup option, and realy a lot more features to run. It's a good decision to pick this one. Try this site: www.avg.com


Again, This is an antivirus that 's originally launched for use with Pc Desktop. But as the trend is always changing, this antivirus is now available even for your Android and maybe other smartphones as well. This is definitely a good news for you who got a Android device considering that this Antivirus has got fame since it's known as a A-service provider in case of security software development. This antivirus's also sported with an Anti Spam and Anti Theft features, it's such a usefull feature to have.

Out of the above, this antivirus also supports Real Time feature which assumes this antivirus keeps running in the background. It could help you a lot as it ensures that your phone is protected just everytime, and that it won't affect your phone's performance. So it's much likely to be good to pick it one. Try this site: www.eset.com

*NetQin AntiVirus

Beyond the above two antivirus giants, there still be another great antivirus to pick up if you'd prefer to, "NetQin Security and Antivirus". The Antivirus is quite comprehensive and is known as a all-round-solution for Android phone's security and performance. This antivirus will fight Virus, spyware, Trojans, and malware that may attact your phone, and this antivirus will alert you just anytime it finds a virus. This one will protect your phone entirely against almost any viruses that may damage your phone. Try this site: www.netqin.com

*Bit Defender

This is a well known Anti Virus that supports almost every smartphone platforms, including Mac. Bit Defender is capable of protecting your smartphone while also defending against the transfer of potentially harmful Windows infecting files. I'm sure you knew already about since it's realy a popular antivirus. Try this site: www.bitdefender.com

*McAfee Virus Scan

It also supports almost every smartphone, but maybe there is no free version available. MacAfee is truly designed to address two specific problems related to the mixed networking world where Mac computers and Windows machines often have to work together. The problem is that security suites and protection tools that are designed for mac are not usually known for their ease of management across the whole network. MacAfee addresses this issue by including an ePolicy Orchestrator functionality which allows system admins to more broadly and efficiently deal with macs on the network. This is an excellent security solution for business and corporate users that need to address backdoor attacks and keylogger threats in a mixed computing environment. Each user license of MacAfee Virus Scan will cost about $37 but thatby you can get deeply discounted licenses when you buy 'em en mass. Try this site: www.mcafee.com


This is a Mac Antivirus, and just as a antivirus, this iAntivirus offers both free and paid version. But let's just talk about the free version, cuz everybody love it. The free version of this antivirus will protects your mac's hard drive from known threats and mac based viruses. It also has the ability to run in the background and scanning your web browsing activity to further protect your device. The good news for mac users is that they already have a very stable and secure operating system in their native Mac operating system. Try this site: www.iantivirus.com

*Sophos AntiVirus

Sophos will bring you the powerful business level security to your mac. This Sophos will actually detect threats and malware on your Mac or Windows systems. This is useful if your home network or office systems include a diverse computing environment. If you trade Windows and Mac files between two or more machines frequently, Sophos Anti-Virus may be the right choice for the overall health of your entire network. Try this site: www.sophos.com

*Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

This is an anti-malware software that will disinfect your windows systems from being slaughtered or slowed by a malware that an antivirus suites may won't remove it. It will even detect and remove vicious code that's getting planted in a registry file on the infected Windows computers and results in a total system recovery. It offers a free version to download, but sure it opts out a premium version too for your option. -Pick this anti-bytes to discover and then quarantine or remove any malicious files if you're now having a badly infected device. The difference between paid and free version that you can see clearly is that the paid version will give you real-time monitore and the protection against infections while you are browsing or interacting on-line. The premium version itself is based on a one time payment, which the license will allow you to make use of the full software version on more than one machine. Try this site: www.malwarebytes.org

*Avast Anti-Virus

This one is an free Windows antivirus. It should work on Windows Xp, Vista and Windows 7. It will detect and prevent in real time, major and common threats like trojans and back-door attacks. Once you install and running this antivirus, it will update itself daily, which will also notify the user about just anytime it runs the update feature. This is a good point that every antivirus will do. -Advanced paid versions of avast software can handle inbox spam and provide extra layers of security when shopping online. Try this site: www.avast.com


Especially with the new versions of Windows operating system, the most dangerous vulnerabilities actually come from third-party programs and applications that you may purchase or download that run on your device. This Secunia will scan and monitor your system and download files that list known and current vulnerabilities. If you're running multiple third party applications, you can gain peace of mind by running this Secunia on your device to keep a proactive watch on your system and its vulnerabilities. Try this site: www.secunia.com


SendSheild is a light but extremely sophisticated tool that will instantaneously scan outbound emails with Microsoft office attachments like Excel sheets and Word docs to check them for personal informations. And thus, you can then reduce the risk to your personal security by deleting this info with a single click. Best of all, this advanced tool will only remove the personal data from the copy that is outbound, but will keep its preserved on your computer. Try this site: www.sendshield.com

Your Smartphone can be an asset that helps you complete a lot of complex tasks while you are on the move. If you fear of being attacked by virus while you download various applications, a lot of your phone's usability will be restricted. In order to maximize the usage of your smartphone, you have to ensure that you have the best antivirus installed on the device, and you can choose one of the above suggestion.


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