Blizzard Will Launch Diablo III On The Next May

A few times ago Blizzard Entertainment made an announcement says that they'll launch their latest Rpg game on the next may, Diablo III. They announced this Diablo III will be available for Usa, Kanada, Eropa, South Korea, South East Asia, Australia, New Zeland, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau. You can also buy the game straight from Blizzard's in some specific region like Meksiko, Argentina, Chile, and Brazil. The game will be available for public starts on June 7 to America and Rusia.

Diablo 3

This game will be launched in various languages like Spanyol, Brazil, France, German, Italia, Polandia, Rusia, Korea, and some more. This game will provide 5 characters to choose, barbarian, witch doctor, wizrd, monk, and demon hunter. The play is to explore a vary skills of each character, like to grab for artifacts to increase the skill of character, for example. The player can also buy or sell the weapon, armor, and somekind through the The user can even buy digital products or auctions using the real money which can also be made through paypall.

This Diablo III will be available for Windows and Mac and prised about US$59,99 for both retil DVD-ROM or Digital that which is sold officially. While for Collector's Edition, this Diablo III will be available for US$99,99, which includes the full game DVD-ROM version, 2 set Blu-Ray/DVD behind the scenes, soundtrack CD, a book about Diablo III in 208 chapters, and 4Gb USB (Including Diablo II full version and Diablo II: Lord of Destruction).


  1. Guys, the game is available for pre-order. Check this: Diablo III: Standard Edition By Blizzard Entertainment | Us$59.99.
